自雇移民申请人有能力在到达加拿大后,不会占去加拿大劳工市场的工作机会,而是在加拿大创立或购买一项生意,以个人的才能及技术为自己创造工作,并为加拿大经济、文化或艺术做出显著贡献。(例如:职业运动员,艺术家,演员,和作家)。 申请人经历需符合自雇移民的要求,须证明拥有一定数量的资金用于在加拿大创建或购买一项生意及安家的费用。
- 1.门槛低:没有年龄、学历、语言等强制要求,只需要综合打分达到35分门槛要求即可
- 2.资产要求低:只需证明拥有一定资金可用于在加拿大创建或购买一项生意及安家的费用;
- 3.无需为他人创造就业机会;
- 4.职业选择多:图书馆人员;作家;创作和表演艺术家;在文化、艺术、娱乐、体育领域里从事技能工作的人士都可申请;
- 5.周期短:大约两年的时间即可让全家获得枫叶卡。
- A. 文化、艺术、娱乐:
- ① 有两个一年期的全职自雇工作经历,或者
- ② 有两次次参加过(一年一次)国际级别文、艺、娱活动的经历,或者
- ③ 以上两种情况各一次
- B. 体育竞技:
- ① 有两个一年期的自雇经历,或者
- ② 有两次参加过(一年一次)国际级别体育比赛,或者
- ③ 以上两种情况各一次
Professional Occupations in Art and Culture5111 | Librarians |
5112 | Conservators and Curators |
5113 | Archivists |
5121 | Authors and Writers |
5122 | Editors |
5123 | Journalists |
5124 | Professional Occupations in Public Relations and Communications |
5125 | Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters |
5131 | Producers, Directors, Choreographers and Related Occupations |
5132 | Conductors, Composers and Arrangers |
5133 | Musicians and Singers |
5134 | Dancers |
5135 | Actors and Comedians |
5136 | Painters, Sculptors and Other Visual Artists |
Technical and Skilled Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation and Sport
5211 | Library and Archive Technicians and Assistants |
5212 | Technical Occupations Related to Museums and Art Galleries |
5221 | Photographers |
5222 | Film and Video Camera Operators |
5223 | Graphic Arts Technicians |
5224 | Broadcast Technicians |
5225 | Audio and Video Recording Technicians |
5226 | Other Technical and Co-ordinating Occupations in Motion Pictures, Broadcasting and the Performing Arts |
5227 | Support Occupations in Motion Pictures, Broadcasting and the Performing Arts |
5231 | Announcers and Other Broadcasters |
5232 | Other Performers |
5241 | Graphic Designers and Illustrators |
5242 | Interior Designers |
5243 | Theatre, Fashion, Exhibit and Other Creative Designers |
5244 | Artisans and Craftspersons |
5245 | Patternmakers – Textile, Leather and Fur Products |
5251 | Athletes |
5252 | Coaches |
5253 | Sports Officials and Referees |
5254 | Program Leaders and Instructors in Recreation, Sport and Fitness |